Attribution methodology: How to get out of the last click?

There was a time when the purchasing process of customers was extremely simple, basic. But that was before. Today, the customer can use multiple media (desktop, mobile etc.) and channels to go after a single conversion.

And then you can ask: Which media partner(s) are payed for this sale? Which helped to create engagement? Which touches were useless?

Find the answer to your questions in this white paper with:

Phase 1 – The control

Make daily decisions about your campaigns and maximize performance to react quickly (readjust or cut the campaign for example).

Phase 2 – The test

Optimize the affiliate channel on the acquisition of new customers.

Phase 3 – The trends

Follow in time the valuation trends of the channels. (which channels should be revised upwards in the Mix Media and vice versa?)

The benefits


Access to a complete and concrete methodology


Lead a strategy in the short, medium and long term


Succeed in getting out of the Last Click

Customer journey

Structure according to the Customer Journey

Cross Device

Optimize your Mix Media

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Méthodologie d'attribution